Fire warden Course

Fire WARDEN Course:

Duration ½ Day (max 15 delegates)

The Fire Warden course is designed to provide the specialised knowledge and training required for a person to be able to carry out the duties of a Fire Warden It will raise awareness concerning the management and behaviour of people in a range of emergency evacuation situations, and the necessary actions to be taken before - during and after an incident. It will detail specific duties such as designated areas, who to report to, evacuating people with limited mobility, etc. The onus will be on prevention always being better than the "cure".

The objective is that at the end of the Fire Warden course you will:

  • Have a greater understanding of the fire precautions that are built into your workplace
  • Understand Fire Spread & Ignition Sources
  • Understand the importance Fire Prevention
  • Recognise the hazards and the threat posed by fire to people, property and jobs
  • Understand why it is essential that fire emergency procedures are implemented and monitored on a daily basis
  • Recognise the importance of Communication with Fire Marshal and Emergency Services
  • Understand Checklists, Fire Drills and Risk assessment
  • Distinguish between the different types of extinguishers and their limitations and the fires for which they are suited.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the nature and behaviour of fire.
  • Demonstration of Fire Extinguishers with hands on for all participants

All participants on successful completion of the course will receive a certificate of attendance.